December 31, 2022

Wise Words From Walt Disney

"Think beyond your lifetime if you want to accomplish something truly worthwhile.”  

Here's a man we all admire giving us a piece of advice that is certainly priceless. Our life on earth is so short, so why not do something with it that will last beyond its temporary pleasures? Walt certainly did! His entertainment complexes and movies are beloved, admired, and imitated decades after his passing. Invest on something that will last beyond the time given us on earth. Think eternally. This mindset is one of the main building blocks when you give your life to Jesus Christ. He knows what is coming for all of us- and his admonition to think beyond this natural world helps keep us in true focus. (One of the best pieces I've read about our use of resources and our time is found here.)

Walt Disney was focused, and just look at the end result. What would your life look like if you lived in a similar manner? That's what I am continuing to try to find out. Care to join me?

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