December 21, 2022

Christmas Family Devotional 2022 - Week Three

Here is the third and final week of the Christmas Family Devotional for 2022. I hope this has been a blessing for you and your kids! Go to these links if you need the first or second week's material.

December 21 - 31

Time of Praise
Open the book of Psalms together.
Show your children how often the word “praise” appears.
Lead prayers and statements of praise. It’s ok if they repeat your words. They are learning by your example. 

Time of Confession
Read 1 John 1:9 and Psalms 103:11, 12 together.
Point out that a perfect love like God’s can only truly wipe out our sins so that they are not held against us. This is hard for all of us to believe.

Model a prayer that God builds a humble spirit in them, making them willing to confess their sins, and trains them to look to God as their only true source of forgiveness.

Time of Thanksgiving
Read Psalms136 together.
Encourage your kids to repeat the line “His love endures forever” each time they hear it read. As you do this with them, pray that a true heart of thanksgiving grows in their hearts.

Lead children to ask God to build a sincere gratefulness in their hearts.


I hope this has blessed you and your family as you celebrate the real reason for this season! 

(Devotional copyright Mark Taft. Image copyright The Stencil Revolution.)

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