December 11, 2022

Christmas Family Devotional 2022 - Week Two

Here is the second week of 2022's Christmas Family Devotional. If you need the first week, you can go here.

December 11 – 20

Time of Praise
Read Psalm 100 together.
What does it mean to know the Lord is God?
How can we enter into His gates and His courts?
Lead children in statements of praise. Remind them that we praise God even when we don’t feel good.

Time of Confession
Read Hebrews 4:12-16 together.
Initiate a discussion so children understand that sin is not always a visible action. It also involves what we say and what we think. We can sin in our hearts with rebellion and defiance as well.

Lead the children to pray with an emphasis on confessing the sins of their hearts, (envy or resentment, etc.), or the sin of knowing what God says to do but not taking action.

Time of Thanksgiving
Read Philippians 4:12-13 together.
Discuss the connection between gratefulness and contentedness.
Talk about the things kids are thankful for that are not material goods. You might have them talk about the traits of their family members and friends for which they are thankful.

Lead children to pray by beginning the prayer time. Keep your prayers simple and easy to understand. Encourage kids to talk to God with whatever is on their hearts. Steer them to thanksgiving with your prayers.

The final devotional will be posted on December 21. 


(Devotional copyright Mark Taft. Image copyright The Stencil Revolution.) 

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