October 24, 2022

Travels Along the Way: Istanbul's Hagia Sophia

Due to a series of travel related events, our latest tour ended up taking us through Istanbul, Turkey. What a fascinating city of over 20 million people from all walks of life! Crowded, noisy, full of history and ancient cultures. The variety of foods, music, clothing, and languages presented a true crossroads of cultures that I haven't seen elsewhere.

The Hagia Sophia, behind us in the photo, was the one of the world's oldest and largest cathedrals- now becoming a mosque in recent years. Islamic symbols now cover up as much of the Christian references as possible, although hidden crosses and other smaller items remain in view if you look carefully. This isn't Disney World's beautiful World Showcase in Epcot, but the real thing. Just another reason it is important to travel beyond the Disney bubble. The real world is much more fascinating and rich and eye opening!

(Photograph copyright Mark Taft.) 

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