September 25, 2022

Lights of the Grand Bazaar

What an amazing city Istanbul is! As part of a tour, we had to connect there, and I wisely decided to take the one which spends 24 hours in one of the world's oldest and most important cities. Turkey is rich in history and is pretty important in current world events. The Grand Bazaar has over 60 covered streets inside with more than 4,000 vendors selling everything from the expected carpets and spices to leather goods and lamps. Lots of lamps. My photo does not do it justice. The colors here are varied, rich, and full of life.

The experience is just as spectacular! As a Westerner unfamiliar with this part of the globe, the flavors, sights, and sounds of the Middle East and Europe create an intoxicating mix. Ancient architecture, visitors from all over the world, unique foods, and 20 million citizens make Istanbul a destination like no other. 

(Photograph copyright Mark Taft.)

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