September 15, 2022

Taste of Morocco

One of the larger benefits of my work is traveling to far off places and distant lands. Look at this incredible tile work! The colors are rich and the feel is warm yet exotic to my American eye.

Of course, when I'm home and need a taste of these journeys, a visit to Epcot's World Showcase helps satisfy that case of wanderlust. Those of us that have to travel a lot know it becomes a terminal disease of sorts as it just gets in your system.  I snapped this photo before a trip into this incredible little restaurant.  

Walt Disney World's Morocco gives me a taste of this as do all the national pavilions as designed by the old school Imagineers- but not the new France expansion. It's a bit too cartoonish in its execution and moves away from the artists original intent. In contrast, for the creation of Morocco, the King sent his own artists to bring in the intricate tile work. That is commitment to excellence.

I'd like to think they'll once again embrace the true cultures of these nations, but you and I, sadly, know better. 

(Photograph copyright Mark Taft)

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