July 3, 2022

Notable and Quotable: Zachary Levi

"I really do think that at the end of the day, it’s got to be this. We have got to come to the place of understanding the same things that Jesus was shouting from the rooftops. Man, I mean it. Doesn’t truth and wisdom real universal truth and wisdom?  Doesn’t change- it’s with us at all the time- and this is a universal truth. We can either continue to be animalistic versions of ourselves... they’re all afraid of the tribal versions of ourselves" 
    Zachary Levi, actor

Zachary's new book, Radical Love- Learning to Accept Yourself and Others is sure to be a fascinating read.  Dealing with mental health and spiritual issues in such a public way is brave! From watching a few interviews, if you love TV's Chuck  (I do) or Disney animation's Tangled (my favorite animated film post Beauty and the Beast), I think you'll understand why.

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