June 1, 2022

My Favorite Disney Park Photos: Disneyland's Indiana Jones Adventure

The Indiana Jones Adventure. What can be said that hasn't been already told? It's an incredible "E Ticket" attraction that packs them in 25 plus years after its debut. I was there opening weekend as part of a performance reward during my years with AT&T, the attraction's sponsor.

This photograph was taken just a few years ago. I'd say its pretty stunning- and it captures all the mystery and thrill of what happens when something goes wrong inside a temple full of surprises. Who would have thought an angry deity, rats, bugs, and snakes- why does it have to be snakes?- would form the basis for this world class ride.

As with the Jungle Cruise, imitators have come and gone, but none, not even Universal Orlando's Mummy attraction, comes close. 

Want more Indiana Jones and its impact in the Disney parks, check out this concept art filled article.

(Photograph copyright Mark Taft.)


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