May 11, 2022

This Makes Me Sick to Death

We are a very sick society, and it sickens me to no end to even glance on this image! What would make me do such a thing? How could I ever live with myself for sharing this? It's impossible to understand, and yet I am motivated by love. This is the body of a late term aborted baby girl. Obviously she was injected in order to kill her, but normally there would be body parts. I just couldn't bring myself to show that...breaks my heart.

“Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, 
defend the rights of the poor and needy” (Proverbs 31:8–9)
Doesn't this apply to unborn children as well?

There are some good things we appreciate about each of our political parties, but that either side accepts or even encourages the violent dismantling of those children unable to speak for themselves is without excuse.

Founder Margaret Sanger's clear racist roots in forming Planned Parenthood and its strategically placed locations in lower income (usually Black) neighborhoods is not in dispute. Check out the facts for yourself.

But, boy, is this a big money issue! If the average cost for an abortion is $500 (the range can be zero to one thousand dollars) and if you multiply that by the 61 Million abortions that have occurred since Roe vs. Wade, that is a lot of money somebody is living very well on. (By the way, the image above is of a baby girl that was aborted by lethal injection and not in the usual manner of being torn apart piece by piece.)

God's heart grieves. He is the God of life, not death, and we've fooled ourselves into thinking aborting babies is reasonable, the lesser of two evils, or something we must put up with in order to further progress in other social ills. We are no better than the ancient peoples of old who used to throw their babies into the fire to worship their ancient gods. Certainly women (and their men) with unwanted pregnancies have a hard road ahead. But Our God is the God of the impossible! After losing almost everything, Job had a reason to despair, but he states,

“The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.” (Job 33:4).

Thank God that the earthly mother of Jesus dealt wisely with a pregnancy she didn’t expect.

He steps in when we need Him- Here's the most significant success story of an unwanted pregnancy that didn't end in abortion.

We've seen many suffer by making this choice to abort a child- and I've seen God's heart of forgiveness and healing for those who truly repent of this sin of murder (and every other sin as well). Just as with addiction to pornography, it’s more common in the church than you may want to believe, but this is the truth.

"There are six things that the Lord hates,
    seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue and hands that shed innocent blood..."

(Proverbs 6:16-17)

So please don’t tell me that until more people step up to adopt that abortion is the best answer. Again, I’ve heard this from professing Christians. The answer is to do what is right in God’s eyes first and then participate in making a difference by letting God move and allowing Him to sort out the details. THAT is faith in action.  

"Woe to those who call evil good
    and good evil,
who put darkness for light
    and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
    and sweet for bitter!"

 (Isaiah 5:20)

Yes, we believers care about immigration reforms, caring for the poor, good healthcare for the population, racial equity, and more. But we cannot justify putting support behind ending the lives of babies. Even though it's not a good situation by any means - and God hates injustice- in every case of these other issues, the people affected are alive to fight for change. Even though mothers survive the abortion, victims of abortion are dead. They don't have a voice, a chance to grow up, a chance to stand up for themselves or a chance to change the world. We must speak up on their behalf and work for a better world that values life. That is the heart of Our God.

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