May 18, 2022

Is This Art for A New Magic Kingdom in India?

Is this the proof that a new Disney theme park in India is on its way? The way things are going with The Walt Disney Company under the leadership of Bob Chapek, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if he decided to make his mark on the Disney legacy by building a new park in Asia. Certainly the population of the country could support it. With more than 1.3 billion people and a growing middle class, it's an untapped source of revenue. Yet, the current leader of the country deals with a major humans rights violation, one which he actually helps perpetuate: India has become a hotbed of Christian persecution where there are growing reports of violence and murder at the hands of Hindu extremists. Looking at the World Watch List which studies the top 50 places it is most dangerous to be a believer in Jesus, India has quickly moved up the ranks to Number 10 in recent years. But I guess these issues haven't stopped Disney before- Shanghai Disneyland was pursued and built after all.

But I digress: Is this a Magic Kingdom that locals would embrace?  Just look at this more recent piece of concept art by Greg Pro. Imagine a Peoplemover station inside the iconic castle! The Imagineers have always thought outside the box. ("Why does it have to be a box?") If the Imagineers can turn Main Street U.S.A. into Mickey Avenue in China, they can certainly come up with lands and themes that remove any flavor of the American way of life. In fact, would a Pandora themed World of Avatar be a perfect fit? The spiritual similarities are striking and certainly the hot moist climate would create a striking landscape.

Will Chapek and company move ahead with a project like this? I wouldn't put it past him- if he survives long enough.

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

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