May 17, 2022

Donna Summer: Gone But Not Forgotten

Ten years ago, Disco Legend Donna Summer passed away. But it was clear listening to the woman that she was so much more than a singer. When this was brought to my attention, I was shocked. I remembered reading about it, but how quickly time goes by! 

Interestingly, the world and the media has not forgotten her.  Author Greg Laurie has written a new book entitled, Lennon, Dylan, Alice, and Jesus: The Spiritual Biography of Rock and Roll.  

The woman behind such hits as Last Dance, MacArthur Park, She Works Hard for the Money, and an iconic album produced by Quincy Jones of Thriller fame that carries her name, gets more than a passing mention. (You've got to read about the album here.)

Donna states: "I never stopped being a Christian. Being born-again is an affirmation that the person is going to make a personal effort to walk closer to God and bring Him into one’s life and start following His way. There are parts in your life where you can look back and laugh: “I can’t believe I did that; how could I have said that; where’s my head at?” I’m sad that all the running I did was only running; it didn’t get me anywhere. The spirit of rebellion in myself and in my songs would not let me rest. But I’ve chosen to stay in the world’s eye, to give a positive image. It’s a very spiritual and a very helpful place to be. I love it."  


Her legacy is passed on through her husband Bruce Sudano, and through the popular band Johnnyswim led by daughter Amanda Sudano and her husband Abner Ramirez. Even if you don't know them, you probably do: If you've ever watched Fixer Upper with Chip and Joanna Gaines, it's their song that gets used over the opening scenes.

With a stage show dedicated to the story of her life, new music on its way, and a continued interest in music of decades past, Donna Summer is, as her autobiography was titled, No Ordinary Girl. May she rest in peace.


By the way, what's a Carpenters fan to like here? Check out Donna's version of the duo's hit Superstar, with piano backing by none other than Mr. Richard Carpenter himself.

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