April 17, 2022

Jesus Conquers Death- and His Sacrifice Brings Us Life

There is hope eternal. Jesus conquered death by raising from the dead! And He alone can bring you life instead of brokenness. He is Risen indeed! Christians all over the world celebrate this historical fact. And He is returning one day to judge the world and redeem those who believe.

In the strangeness of the way God sometimes works, He offered up His Son- the very image of Himself- on the cross in order to pay for the sins of man. Jesus was sacrificed in our place. Yours and mine. We have all fallen short of God's glory, and only God Himself could pay the price on our behalf. 

Do you believe? If not, I suggest you read Evidence That Demands A Verdict by Josh McDowell. That is, if you are open minded to think it through and look at facts. Some have not done so and already determined what they believe. But the truth holds up as it always does. Jesus Christ died for the sins of every man, but only some will choose Him. He is offering you a fresh beginning and eternity lies before you. Will you choose Him?

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