April 1, 2022

Hollywood Eats Its Own Again: The Slap and More

Aren't we all just fragile humans? What else can we learn from such a strange and sad event as Will Smith's slapping of Chris Rock at the Oscar Awards Show? Let's see...

1- Even in Hollywood, land of the outrageous, jokes about someone's medical condition are crude and uncalled for.

2- When we are offended, violence is not the answer. Be the bigger man. This could have been an incredible moment for Mr. Smith to show grace and class by extending forgiveness.

3- The worst of situations will bring out our true colors- the worst in us when we are not submitted to God.

4- Behind smiles and laughs can be real pain...and stupidity

5- Bullies come in all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds.

6- Friends can recover from a broken or strained relationship.

7- All- and that includes everyone in Hollywood- has sinned and falls short of the glory of God. Yet, in His goodness, God extends an offer of forgiveness to all us sinners. Jesus paid the price by dying on the cross in our place to save us from an eternity in Hell. To receive it, we must believe this is true, and we must turn away from our life of sin and turn to God, making Him the only ruler and King in our lives. There is no other way to heaven according to Jesus Himself (See John chapter 14).

8- We are no better than either of these guys. I know I'm not, and I'm pretty sure you are not either.

(Photograph by Robert Hanashiro, USA Today.)

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