February 11, 2022

Space Mountain Art: Re-Entry to Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom

Space Mountain thrills guests of all ages and continues to expertly play its role as a rite of passage for younger visitors to the Magic Kingdom. Even with the upcoming Tron Lightcycle Power Run on the near horizon, I say see it playing out now: "Son, you get to ride Space Mountain because you're tall enough! Then, if you like it, when you're tall enough, we'll ride Tron together."

Although somewhat similar, Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind needs to be given a chance on its own if it is going to be given classic status one day. Space Mountain's gorgeous building draws guests to it, but Cosmic Rewind, on the other hand, looks like just one more utilitarian box. Will it ever take the throne from this beloved Magic Kingdom thrill ride? I'm not sure it will. Walt Disney World's first mountain has attained an almost mythical status for good reason.

Wanna read and see more photos and concept art from the Imagineers on the history of this classic- and how its been built all over the world, each with unique designs? Go here.

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

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