January 6, 2022

Wars and Rumors of Wars

Russia sends troops to Kazakhstan as Putin continues to force his way into independent nations once under Soviet control. (Is this part of rebuilding the Soviet Union?) And they form some sort of military strategic alliance with China. Things keep heating up in Israel. COVID-19 spreads in new variants. Nations are locking down and needing help. Evil abounds. Free speech is dying under Big Tech. America continues to be divided as never before. Fires in Colorado of epic proportions and tornados of the same size. According to MSN, Elon Musk hopes to implant chips into human brains soon. Persecution of Christians reaches an all-time high never seen before. What is God trying to communicate? Is the time for Jesus returning to judge the earth coming? Some Biblical scholars read the Bible's book of Revelation and Jesus' own words in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), assured this is prophetic and may happen in our lifetime. What do you think this means?

(Photograph copyright Abduaziz Madyarov.) 

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