December 10, 2021

The Beatles Carry That Weight

Were you a fan of Peter Jackson's epic Get Back? I was! There has probably never been as successful a songwriting duo as Paul McCartney and John Lennon nor a pop group as beloved. After all these years, The Beatles still rock. Here's another documentary that might be worth your time, The Beatles: Carry That Weight. 

The Beatles' epic Carry That Weight holds some harrowing lyrics-

"Boy, you're gonna carry that weight

Carry that weight a long time

Boy, you're gonna carry that weight"

The ups and downs up the group are an epic story with a rather tragic ending. Our own stories carry that same potential. The burden of life's difficulties and our shortcoming weigh heavily. I know they do on me when I fall flat on my face or think backwards about how I've fallen short. But there's hope. When the weight of sin is too hard to bear, Jesus alone offers the solution to the problem. His words echo in my ears, 

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

These words found in the Bible's book of Matthew give me hope and an invitation to find lasting peace as I look to Jesus, God in the flesh whose sacrifice of death on the cross and resurrection from the dead bring me life as I accept Him as the payment due for my sin and turn away from it. The offer still stands two thousand years later. In this Christmas season, it's the gift of eternal life that is offered to you. Do you need it? Absolutely. Do you want it? The choice is yours.

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