December 19, 2021

Disney's Low Tech Attractions Still Rock

Today blockbuster attractions are those that are the most complex in design and execution and often the ones that draw guests to wait hours for them: multi-million dollar coasters, like Universal Orlando's breathtaking Velocicoaster or the state of the art (and highly temperamental) mega experiences like Disney's incredible Star Wars themed Rise of the Resistance

We often forget that Walt Disney had to start with simple attractions as a basis for Disneyland while he continued to pioneer more cutting edge concepts and attractions. Audio-Animatronics and things like Pirates of the Caribbean were still a decade away when Disneyland came into being in 1955. So, Walt decided to make these simpler attractions as good as could be, elevating them to the highest standard of storytelling.

Swiss Family Treehouse, a walk through (a walk up?) and Peter Pan's Flight (a simple dark ride) still rank among guest favorites 50+ years after first being built. They bring charm, warmth, and a bit of nostalgia to parks that now have to be constantly on the bleeding edge of technology to impress a generation that must have the newest gadgets.

The Swiss Family Robinson film had guests dreaming of living in that family's island home in the treetops. And what kid hasn't wanted to fly above a moonlit London with Peter Pan?  Climbing the many flights of steps to the top this natural looking yet structurally complex attraction took explorers in Adventureland into a whole new world. Hearing the iconic Swisskapolka is the icing on the cake! 

Peter Pan's Flight is the most iconic and beloved of the simple dark rides designed by Imagineering. Winnie the Pooh, Roger Rabbit, and even Mike and Sully from Monsters Inc. have modern versions of this bus bar type ride, but the first Disney one remains the best. It's got a fascinating history. Read about it here.

Variations of these two attractions appear in Florida's Magic Kingdom, Disneyland Paris, Tokyo Disneyland, Hong Kong Disneyland, and Shanghai Disneyland, proving that even the hardened Communist government officials are not immune to a classic story told well in theme park form.  These Disney ride classics are classic for a reason, making each park a more rounded experience. 

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