December 8, 2021

Disney World's Shag-A-Delic Jungle Cruise

I'm pretty familiar with the stylistic art of Josh Agle aka Shag. His map for Disneyland, designed for its 50th Birthday celebration, hangs on my wall. He's done beautiful pieces for the Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean, and of course, for Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room. But I've never seen him do art for Walt Disney World- until now. This piece above for the classic Jungle Cruise oozes fun! Adventureland never looked so good! It's about time Disney fans give the World its due. It's not Disneyland and doesn't have Walt's personal touch, but it has a charm and vibe entirely its own. And Shag captures it quite well!

(Art copyright Josh Agle.)

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