November 15, 2021

Jungle Cruise Meets Pirates of the Caribbean

What do you get when you combine stars Dwayne Johnson, Emily Blunt, Paul Giamatti, with exotic locales, stylish graphics, and a storyline line that is based on Disneyland's iconic Jungle Cruise attraction? In this case, you get one giant, glitzy, mess of a movie that's not sure what it wants to be. Is it Pirates of the Caribbean, Indiana Jones, or Romancing the Stone with shades of Avatar thrown in for good measure. It's all of the above. By the time the characters tell their backstory, any momentum and opportunity were lost. After Skippy's big monologue, I turned to my wife and said, "Do you even care anymore (about the characters and the story)"? We both laughed. I'm so glad we waited for it to appear on Disney+. 

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

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