October 11, 2021

Beware the Dragon!

Beware the Dragon! Freedom House, a global agency that monitors internet freedom and access has long rated the country of China among its top offenders. And yet, company after company, including The Walt Disney Company, choose to bow to the government demands in order to make a profit. Films are edited to meet their standards (check out the background on Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings), and theme parks are designed to further a government agenda while giving an appearance of freedom. Except in Hong Kong, where the world is getting a small taste of what it is really like to be under Chinese dominion.

 "...Whoever controls data has the upper hand" 
China's President Xi Jinping

The common people may be wonderful- and they are, certainly they were when meeting them at the China showcase at Epcot- but their government cannot be trusted as the treatment of the Uighur people continues to be despicable. This latest article highlights their use of public surveillance and data gathering and manipulation to be growing and now spreading to use in other countries. Again, wake up America, and beware the dragon.

(Image copyright Mark Taft.)

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