September 11, 2021

What We Gained on September 11, 2001

Twenty years ago. This was a day of immense tragedy, but it was also a day for heroism!  Radical Islam extremists decided to attack us, the United States of America on September 11, 2001. We as a nation lost so much, but what did we gain? We as a people rallied together. People of all faiths and backgrounds. We came together to grieve together and pray together.

Yet slaughter continues in other places at the hands of Radical Islam. Christians overseas are being persecuted, denied basic rights or even slaughtered- Christians of all different nationalities - those in Afghanistan, regions in Africa, Asia, and even in Mexico. (Don't believe me about Mexico? Read this or this.) Children, infants, women and men alike. It's shocking we don't read about that, but it happens. It's a different kind of war that devastates. 

Let us remember this day. Let us pray for our nation and our world. We should remember the sacrifices of those serving,  the loss of family and friends. Let us honor those who gave their lives. Let us work together to preserve our God-given freedoms. Lord Jesus, have mercy on us and do not judge us according to what our sins deserve- either as a nation or as an individuals!


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