August 16, 2021

On the Cover of the Rolling Stone

The July 4, 1974 edition of Rolling Stone magazine featured the famous and then beloved or hated brother and sister musical act Carpenters. Finally, there's an interview that seems authentic and more focused on a real representation of Richard and Karen Carpenter as people than just another slam fest.

The timing is interesting. When you realize that their current hit was a revamped version of 1972's I Won't Last A Day Without You (from their epic A Song for You album), it seems odd to find the duo on the cover. This was during the months before Please Mr. Postman became their last number one smash and then subsequent release of both the jazz infused Santa Claus is Coming to Town and 1975's classy Only Yesterday and its amazing album Horizon

Coming in October of this year Mike Cidoni Lennox and Chris May's Carpenters: The Musical Legacy will hit the bookshelves. Filled with hours of interviews with Richard Carpenter and unseen photographs, the book will be a very personal look at how the hit songs came to be- and what was behind them.

Oh the stories that will be told!

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