July 6, 2021

Disneyland Attraction Posters: The Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge Collection

Continuing the series of Disneyland attraction posters, here are three from Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge. Now admittedly getting highest quality attraction posters of any kind is always an adventure of sorts. But finding new ones for Disneyland's latest major attractions is a challenge. A big challenge- and you won't find them in the Galaxy's Edge itself. That would break the entire theme that you're on a distant and relatively undiscovered planet.

This is the epic attraction!
It's too bad it is so difficult to ride!
What a mistake in engineering...

Taken as a whole, it is not a bad ride.
But compared to the headliner, it falls short.

The Star Wars land is pretty rich and detailed, much like the attraction posters you can see here (and the Black Spire Outpost tourist travel poster which you can purchase on site). There's lots of shops to explore and pay to play upgraded experiences. But there should be so much more in the land! I mean, at least move Star Tours over, right?

As for attraction posters, this is absolutely as good as it gets for both Rise of the Resistance and Millennium Falcon: Smuggler's Run. For now. Keep your eyes open. I know I will. All the other Disneyland attraction posters can be found on the blog. Some are quite hard to find. Enjoy your search!

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