July 23, 2021

Design Detail: Disney's Shanghai Street in China

China is timeless. The ancient civilization has rapidly been discovered by the West as the internet, easy travel, and massive numbers of movies began to make the once far and exotic commonplace. Almost 40 years ago, Disney Imagineers knew that giving EPCOT Center guests the option to "visit" China would be a guaranteed hit. Not only was the elegant Wonders of China film a rich cultural experience, walking around the World Showcase pavilion allowed visitors to feel immersed in the land. The design detail throughout is incredible! From the carefully copied roof tiles to the duplication of the patterns found in local architecture, this is what differentiates Disney from Six Flags (and what used to differentiate them from Universal). 

This photograph is from Summer of 2007 when my wife blessed me with a solo trip as a special present. Long before Shanghai Disneyland and just shy of two years after Hong Kong Disneyland opened. Being it was toward the end of August in Walt Disney World, the parks were emptier than I'd ever seen them. Those days would be gone for good- until COVID-19 stopped the world.

(Photograph copyright Mark Taft.)

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