June 27, 2021

My Son, My Tree Hero

Each year for Fathers Day but really for every occasion, I'm blessed by the thoughtfulness of my kids and the gifts they choose. 

In a break with tradition, my wife bought be a beautiful lantern for me to hang in the branches of one of my trees. I think I'm up to almost 20 lanterns and maybe 2/3 that many trees now in the backyard. With a dash of an Imagineering trained brain, I started this obsession years ago. It is truly magical when the lights go on after dark.

My eldest son is the music lover in the family (just like his Dad), and my gift was a new book about the insiders look at promotion in the music industry and a great album featuring the Sounds of Philadelphia. Loving the vinyl resurgence, aren't you?

Our oldest daughter and her husband signed me up for a year long subscription to MasterClass. (If you want to unexpectedly laugh while you learn, the Gangsta Gardener is hilarious! Who doesn't need a laugh after the events of the last two years. Robert Iger is on, too, talking about leadership.) A super thoughtful gift that will give back all year long. 

Our youngest daughter created an Italian meal in a box, complete with all the items, additional recipes, and a jar of her should-be-world-famous homemade pesto. I won't share her secret ingredient, but what a difference it makes. Unique and traditional flavors worth savoring. She is one of the best cooks I know- and she'll be teaching me some basic Chinese dishes in the weeks to come. 

Last but not least, our youngest son did something I could never do: Dug holes and planted three trees in our monstrous back yard. It took him all day as these maples and elm were pretty big! While I was dead tired after helping, he was just "a little sore". But the guy is buff. He's also a big Harry Potter fan, so we are looking forward to seeing the Universal parks through his eyes when we go to with him to Florida in September. That should be one great trip and trip report!

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