June 10, 2021

Behind the Beauty of Shanghai Disneyland, China Clamps Down Once Again

This beautiful photo from Madness Kingdom shows one side of the lovely and groundbreaking Shanghai Disney Resort in China. With the dazzling Pirates of the Caribbean: Battle for the Sunken Treasure, the Imagineers certainly proved they can still design epic adventures when given the appropriate space, direction, and budget. But all the dazzles isn't gold!

The country is clamping down once again on freedom of speech and religion. Watchdog China Aid reports new government restrictions and indoctrination requirements begin on September 1, 2021. Take a look at this article. The way things our moving in our country, could we be far behind?


  1. At least it’s clear why they even allow religious institutions at all:

    “Religious schools' required courses should include a series of classes on ideological and political theory. The institutions' goals should include learning Xi Jinping Thought. They should implement a new era of socialist ideological education with Chinese characteristics and continue to launch socialist core values education.”

    It’s sad for those who have faith in China but not really surprising in a so called communist country. I can see how Xi Jinping must be described as the new messiah bringing redemption for China and it’s people. Remind me of the way Mao or Staline was kind of “divinised” in their time, and it shows how much China just like Russia are clearly back to those days of autocracy and totalitarism
    I don’t see how the religious or political situation in the US would be going towards this direction at all, would you dare to elaborate?

  2. If you read a mainstream news source like USA Today, there are constantly articles about religious rights being up for constitutional review by the US Supreme Court. It's perhaps this constant news source that makes me think we are headed in the same direction. We shall see.

  3. Of course I know what you are talking about, abortion right, it’s all over the news in the US and even over here in European medias
    I just wanted to point out the difference of what meant freedom of religion in a democracy compared to in an authoritarian regime
    I guess I just have faith in the solidity and resilience of the US constitution
    Complicated and sensitive topic though compared to Imagineers chitchat
