May 21, 2021

Epcot Musings

Why is it that even in its saddest state ever, Epcot, continues to be my favorite Walt Disney World park? It certainly does not have the most iconic and beloved attractions. That crown would easily go to the Magic Kingdom. Nor does it hold the most technologically impressive ones as that winner would have to be Rise of the Resistance and Twilight Zone Tower of Terror at Disney's Hollywood Studios. Lastly, it isn't even the contender for the park with my current Top Two Attractions. That would be Disney's Animal Kingdom for Expedition: Everest and Flight of Passage as the current king of must-see-when-I-visit favorites. So why does Epcot- and not the much better EPCOT Center -continue to fascinate?

Much of what I loved at Florida's second Disney park no longer exists. Reflections of Earth is gone. The epic but long gone adventures of Journey into Imagination, Horizons, and World of Motion now only exist in my imagination, and their replacements are a mere shadow of what originally was purposely and beautifully designed. Those days are gone as is the promised future of many more World Showcase pavilions.

Is help on its way or more pain as the revisioning of the park continues? Love it or not, Imagineer Zach Riddley is certainly keeping us up to date with the tiniest of details. He wants to convince us it's more than his job to bring this park back to a pristine and refreshed state, that it's a personal passion for him. So far, the results are mixed. Yet, the biggest wins are in areas where the park is returning to elements from the past, so maybe we can begin to believe him. We've yet to see the coming future, but I'm trying to be open-minded. I've already said this, and I'll say it again: We are the reason Epcot is changing.

With so much gone, what's left to love? Plenty! Wide open expanses of gardens filled with blooms. Large bodies of water that reflect the morning sun and the evening sunset. The classic and still inspiring Spaceship Earth, the retro--cool Living with the Land boat ride, and a little figment of my imagination. He certainly needs a better attraction, but his sheer presence harkens to what could be.

That's it- potential! I find it in the optimism that abounds in the faces of the hopefully soon to return international citizens that populated the mini-nations of World Showcase. The beauty of the films of France, of China, and yes, even of Canada. The live music, the cultural exhibits, the stunning American Adventure production- one of Disney's most incredible attractions. I find sweetness and humor in the Gran Fiesta Tour, in Frozen Ever After- and soon in Remy's Ratatouille Adventure. These are far from perfect and could be much better, but they counterbalance the tones of the more serious aspects of the park.

It's when the sun begins to set for the day when Epcot comes alive and my appreciation and love for the park truly grows. How can any guest not look at the pavilions of World Showcase lit up against an evening sky and the calming lagoon and not get that sense of elegance and sophistication all around that brings a smile? That leisurely evening stroll with a treat in hand (liquid or otherwise) as the local music plays, the pace relaxes, and the rush to run from attraction to attraction turns into an embrace of the time to take in all the exquisite views that abound. Maybe an attraction, an exhibit or two. Then it's dinner! Choosing a favorite place to sit still, have some warm conversation about the day's events, and some fairly good food (if you choose wisely) is the perfect way to begin the night time touring. For me, the later the dinner the better, as we can walk out through the park and take in all the countries with most all the guests departed for the day. It's quiet and almost sacred in its serenity. I'd choose it over an exhausting day at any other park. 

Can you sense why I love Epcot? Hopefully that continues with all the changes to come. The big blue box annoys me, and the giant metal tacos ruin a once gorgeous view. Shuttered Future World pavilions remain, and construction seems to be everywhere. Yet, I'm not giving up! I'm optimistic that more good changes are coming than bad ones. The optimism is in me- and I remain cautiously open to the park's future. Do you?

(Photograph copyright Zach Riddley and The Walt Disney Company.)


  1. I agree with you, I hardly even remember when I rode Horizons when I was a kid but I remember very well how thrilled I was with the park as a whole at the end of the day, I miss this atmosphere when I'm in the park today but it is still somehow the most gorgeous and favorite place at wdw to spend time while not ridding any rides...
    If they do what was planned for the park before Covid and add one country to world showcase (I always thought India would be great for architecture, food and culture) and bring back figment (and living with the land) back to their former glory I think it could work (minus the doughnuts)
    Which country would you add to World Showcase if you could choose any?

  2. I agree with you, I hardly even remember when I rode Horizons when I was a kid but I remember very well how thrilled I was with the park as a whole at the end of the day, I miss this atmosphere when I'm in the park today but it is still somehow the most gorgeous and favorite place at wdw to spend time while not ridding any rides...
    If they do what was planned for the park before Covid and add one country to world showcase (I always thought India would be great for architecture, food and culture) and bring back figment (and living with the land) back to their former glory I think it could work (minus the doughnuts)
    Which country would you add to World Showcase if you could choose any?

  3. I would probably choose a country that is nonEuropean as well! I loved the original idea for Russia. India could be very nice, and even Thailand. Each would bring a different flavor. But whatever they add to World Showcase, it must have a ride attached and one that is not a tralogue film. The attractions must be varied. Thanks for reading!

  4. Oh what World Showcase could have been!!! Clearly in its current state, it is still my favorite part of Epcot. Future World used to be amazing. Now, not so much.

  5. (I deleted this comment from "Unknown" by accident):
    I wouldn't mind if there is no E ticket in a hypothetical new country as I would prefer having multiple C/D rides (no circlevision) but in all World Showcase countries, Italy, Morocco, Japan and even Germany need it more than any newcomer
    I'm disappointed they decided to add Ratatouille to France because of this (and also because it's not even such a good ride anyway), even the exteriors looks just OK... and redundant...
    England is the place I would love to have a big E ticket Mary Poppins ride, why not with a Pandora like ride system. could be fun
    This park has really the most potential of all to thrive without too much intrusive IP visible to guest outside rides, I think this is the key to make it work
    You welcome, been a very long time happy reader of your blog, always an interesting read with a nice nostalgic touch
