March 23, 2021

Disney Goes Big Brother

Disney has decided to use facial recognition software in a test at Walt Disney World. Sure, it seems innocent enough, but if you take a look at China and their use of it there, this is just opening the door to a growing lack of personal freedoms in our country. Of course, evil is always packaged as good so the masses will accept it. Are we in the US on the road to follow them? Check this out:

Freedom Housean organization focused on preserving freedom for all people, publishes an annual report that ranks each country based on a series of issues.  Their 2020 report shows China near the bottom of the rankings of countries where its citizens and information are free. Traditional news agencies  are controlled by the government. Social media networks and other applications and platforms  are monitored by the government and regularly made unavailable during specific times of the day or altogether inoperable during times of protest and political unrest. Number of children is limited. The ability to travel or purchase freely varies. Facial recognition technology is now in use in China's public transportation and continues to be rolled out with even more applications throughout the country. 

It all begins somewhere. Let's hope Disney abandons this idea.

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