January 24, 2021

A New Baby and Hope in Our Abortion Crisis

You're looking at our new granddaughter. She was born happy and healthy just a few hours ago- about 24 hours after I wrote the article below. Another one of God's precious miracles!
I should have been an aborted child. My Mom was 16 and pregnant; my father 18 and not wanting to be a father. Thank God, they chose life instead! (And after 60 plus years of marriage, they are one of the happiest couples I know.) So, abortion is a very personal matter for me.

My oldest daughter and her husband were told by doctors their second son would have Dandy Walker Syndrome, would never have a normal and healthy life, and they should abort him. Up until a month before his birth, all signs showed the doctors were correct in the diagnosis, but they insisted on supporting his life. Wouldn't you know, he was born totally healthy. Amazing.

I've heard some well meaning but misguided folks say until the adoption crisis is figured out, abortion is the best option. Imagine if we did that with COVID-19. Until we can conquer it, all senior citizens should be euthanized. Lunacy.

Check out this book, The Case for Life, a scientific study that proves live begins at conception.

Post abortion, I do know some women who have chosen to let God do a great work in them, and even though they never forget their choice, they have found forgiveness and freedom. Isn't that just like Him? That's the God I choose to serve. We're all broken in some way, and we all have done things we know are not right. A couple of women in my extended family have had abortions. And their lives have been filled with a sadness they never really get rid of until they looked to God. 

The other ironic thing about all this- it's hard for us to admit there really is a child in that womb. So, we justify it away and think our decision will affect no one else- but it always does. On one hand, we teach our kids that each one is special and of value, and on the other, we teach them that prenatal life is just a blob. Does anyone else see this as a strange thing?

I am always pleasantly surprised when a pro-abortion advocate gets pregnant and then, within a few weeks of pregnancy, sees their child via medical technology. It's hard to deny that really is an active little one made in the image of God. 

The heart of God, and the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, was strictly out of love. It covers all sins and each is equal. Even this one which grieves me the most.

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