December 29, 2020

Notable and Quotable: Karen Carpenter on Elvis Presley

"For myself and I know speaking for Richard, we worshipped Elvis. The first time I met him I thought I was going to drop dead in my tracks... He walked out, and my heart stopped... He's not only gorgeous, his voice is beautiful. And his talent is immense."

                                              Karen Carpenter on Elvis Presley

During a 1977 KMPC radio interview to promote their album Passage, Richard and Karen Carpenter are asked about Elvis' influence and impact. While Richard speaks of the artist's effect on popular music, Karen recounts above seeing him in concert and meeting him afterwards. Whether or not this is the same time as the now infamous meeting with he, Karen, and Petula Clark is unknown. (See here for details.)


  1. They did meet, but this picture is photoshopped.

  2. I was under the impression it was the one with Petula Clark, not this one.
