November 27, 2020

Time for Christmas!

The day after Thanksgiving traditionally begins the Christmas season in our home. The outside lights and indoor decorations go up, and the tree is embellished with ornaments that are reminders of our travels, our family, and our faith. It's all set while listening to the classic Christmas Portrait album by Richard and Karen Carpenter. In many ways, it doesn't feel like the holiday season to me until the Carpenters version of Christmas Waltz begins, "Frosted windowpanes..." Karen's magnificent voice fills the room and floods my heart with warmth. Yet, nothing touches me as deeply as the love Jesus Christ has more me. When I stop and think of how my life would be without him- both on this earth and eternally- gratefulness fills my heart. What freedom, what hope, what peace we who believe have in Jesus Christ! A real reason to celebrate all year long.

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