November 20, 2020

"Oh, Roger (Rabbit)!" Cartoon Spin Concept Art

Concept art for Mickey's Toontown at Disneyland is not very common. Concept art for the key attraction, Roger Rabbit's Cartoon Spin is almost impossible to find! But here you go. These pieces by Imagineer Marcelo Vignali from 1994 capture essence of the movie in stunning eye-popping fashion. 

The beloved film actually makes a pretty hare-raising attraction! Walt's original park has the best roster of classic dark rides, and addition of this one was just a perfect execution of fun, thrill, and story. I have to say that the upcoming opening of Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway is a welcome addition for two reasons: First, it's a great ride, and secondly, this new E Ticket will make sure that Toontown stays open at Disneyland for decades to come. The attraction and the land is a win-win for Disney and for park fans. Exactly the type of expansion that belongs in the most loved theme park ever!

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

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