November 1, 2020

An Amazing Story!

Today's incredible post will make the rumored Dubai Disneyland pale in comparison! It's not about MOTIONGATE Dubai, Universal's plans in China, or even expansion Disneyland Paris. Instead, it's an amazing true story of a young man who encountered God in a truly miraculous and very personal way. It's a true story passed down I written form from person to person to person and eventually reached people I know.


Today is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. All over the world, believers in Jesus Christ pat the price for their faith in Him- some with the lives. In fact, more believers have died for their faith in the last 20 years than decades before. (You can read all about it here.)

What to know how personal God is and how much He cares for you? Read on.


My journey with Jesus has started from a childhood. 

In 1992, my parents moved from one Muslim nation to another, when I was only 3 months old. After years, someone in market shared gospel with my father and he started following Jesus, followed by taking me and my brother to the service of a house church. I began to understand that God so loves the whole world that He sent Jesus- God in the flesh- to earth to redeem man and pay the price for their sins. And I gave Him my life.

In 2004, tragically we lost our father and that’s when my world turned upside down. I was so devastated and angry at God, started questioning Him and stopped reading the Bible or going to house church. When I was in 9th grade, depression hit me and I decided to take my life. I had a great plan, skipped class, prepared myself and as I was going into garage to fulfil my plan, someone knocked the door. 

In our culture, if someone knocks at your door, even unknown person you would show him hospitality and invite inside. There were an international couple knocking, whom I never met in my village, they came inside and started conversation with me. The man asked me, all of a sudden: “Ahmad, why you are rejecting God?” And that moment something inside me changed and I knew it was God who sent these people to me to prevent me from taking my life away. Because how in the world, at that particular moment, people would knock at my door and ask me why I left Jesus? It was Him. 

Since then I surrendered my life to Him. In 2009, I moved to the city, which is a megapolis started studying at university. 

After 2 years of being here miraculously I was invited to the student conference where people encouraged to share the Good News with everyone around us, especially with student because they believed that it’s the future of our country. I was inspired to do so, but something held me back in sharing the good news with my group mates. 

In summer of 2011, I heard really bad news, that one of my closest friend from the university got into a car accident and died. Only one through came to my mind, that he is not going to heaven, because he hasn’t heard the gospel, which should’ve shared with him. It was the second time when something in my mind switched. Now I sincerely believe that we have to share the good news with everyone. 

I'm now happily married to a Christian woman. I cannot wait to see what God holds for us as I continue to love and serve Jesus!


What about YOU? What will you do with the incredible gift offered you through Jesus Christ? That bad news is we've all fallen short of God's perfection and are doomed for eternal death and separation from Him. The good news is God has given us a way through Jesus Christ. The choice is yours.

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