October 25, 2020

Take Me to Shanghai Disneyland!

In Sunday fantasy mode here, I want to ride Tron Lightcycle Power Run! I mean just look at this attraction poster for the mega attraction at the mainland China park. Imagineer Scot Drake and team created one of the most exciting attractions ever- and I am one of those fans that can't wait for it to come to Walt Disney World. It'll be worth a trip to the Magic Kingdom just for this!

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)


  1. I've ridden it, and yes, it's very good. It's too short though. Probably intended so they could get the park built quicker and also keep queue times down knowing that it was one of the only big adult rides on opening. The whole waiting area and build up is amazing, with the music, it really gets you going and adrenaline pumping while waiting. Ride was incredibly fun. Top tip though is to not try to keep your head up! I did for some reason and it kind of hurt my neck fighting the G force.

  2. I've seen the videos, and I'm sure its short, but thank you for telling me more about it! And the warning about keeping your head low is something no one else has said about it. Thank you for reading and responding!
