September 11, 2020

Superman Salutes the US Flag

Today is the anniversary of the 9-11 terrorist attacks against the United States. It seems like so long ago (19 years), but I can remember the events of the day clearly as I had a friend in New York who was in the area near the Towers. Now, our nation is under siege by a different kind of terrorist- those who are willing to destroy life and property as they protest the unfair systematic racism in our country. Defunding the police is not the answer- reforming the system is part of it- but reforming the heart of men and women is the true answer. Only Jesus can do that! Biden can't and neither can Trump. Politics cannot save us from ourselves. 

Disneyland has the sheer class to continue the flag retreat ceremony regardless of the situation in our nation. Walt Disney was a man who was rightfully proud of our foundation, even if he was flawed like each of us. God Bless America- but we must fully return to Him humbly if we are to see things change in our country. Put your hope in God and not man. Man will always fail you. 

(Photograph copyright Orange County Register.)

1 comment:

  1. Wow Mark! You couldn't be more spot on!! Reforming our hearts to align with God's is key to reforming a nation. Let us continue to pray for revival here in America and around the world. Don't grow weary of well doing my friend!

    Always your pal,
    Amazon Belle
