September 16, 2020

Captain America Shows His... Stuff

Chris Evans seems like a good guy. A real good guy. He helps a lot of people and is especially caring to children. I mean, who doesn't like Captain America? He was a hero before he was a hero. But it's not like he doesn't make mistakes. Chris mistakenly shared a photo of his penis on social media. My initial thought was "We all make mistakes." Yes, that's true. Then later on it hit me that I had become desensitized to a world where posting sex videos and other inappropriate material was now the norm. Wow. I mean, why would you even photograph your own genitals? It's time for it to stop. And it's time for everyone to think twice. "Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account." (Hebrews 4:13) God sees all and knows all and loves us- calling us to Him. If only we are willing to listen to Him and live in a way that pleases Him, we will never be ashamed. Hang in there, Chris. This too shall pass.

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