May 20, 2020

Notable and Quotable: Ed Stetzer

"Salvation is not coming on Air Force One. And Jesus will not come riding on a donkey or an elephant. Those who fail to see such things have been lost to the idolatry of the moment." 

Author and futurist Ed Stetzer

This quote is from his book, Christians in the Age of Outrage. I love what he has to say more than I can write here. Whether you're religious or not, political or not, this may be the must-read book of the last few years. 


  1. OK... You've got my attention. I saw this at our church bookstore. Thought, "That looks interesting" and then my attention was off to something else. Will go back and take a look once we are able to return to the physical building again.

    Always your pal,
    Amazon Belle

  2. Great read and well worth your time. Challenging and thought provoking!
