May 9, 2020

Discovering California

Traveling around the world? Not happening soon. But when it happens again? Great! What about traveling back home in California? Here's some of my favorite posts throughout the years- without Disneyland in sight. Not all, but just a few:

Snapshots of Napa- The vineyards of Napa and Sonoma are world famous for a reason! 

Coast Stories- California as I love it! There's so much more than Disneyland. The natural beauty of the state shines through here.

Outside the Norm- All the quirkiness of San Francisco obscures the beauty of its attractions- sometimes to the detriment of those who've never lived in the State. 

Mission San Juan Capistrano- A bit of California history preserved for the adventurers of today. Sometimes you have to look backward in order to see the future.

The American Rivera- Arguably one of the most beautiful cities in California, Santa Barbara is showcased here.

No Disneyland?- Palm Springs to Newport Beach and beyond, I never get tired of exploring the Golden State. Here's proof a visit there doesn't need to include Disneyland or California Adventure to be terrifically fun!

(Photographs copyright Mark Taft.)

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