April 6, 2020

"Where Would You Like to Go Today?"

Like many of you. my wife and I now both work from home. As we've been blessed to travel quite a bit over the years, we have accumulated a number of Starbucks wonderful You are Here mugs. Some we've bought and some were given to us as gifts from people who visited places we've been before we began our collection. 

In the mornings, a cup of coffee is a must, the first for necessity, the second for pleasure. One day a couple of weeks ago, she asked me a question when she was on coffee duty: "Where would you like to go today?" meaning, "Which mug do you want?" So, now it is part of our morning routine to ask each other that question.

Today's destination? Paris, the City of Light. (You probably already guessed that, right?) Yes, as with any large city, Paris has its many frustrations. But it also has its delights!

Can there be a section in any big city as charming as Montmartre? This artist colony behind Sacré-Cœur basilica enchants guests with its quaint shops, small cafes, and a slew of artists painting portraits and landscapes. We've seen it during summer, but we found it just as charming in the midst of winter when strings of blue lights adorn the buildings like strands of pearls.

Photo by Lionel Bonaventure.

There's not much more I can say about the Eiffel Tower than hasn't already been mentioned. The photo above was just taken after the quarantine had been announced. It's not too often you see an empty plaza around it!

While the Louvre is justified in the public's love for it, we find the Musee d'Orsay more of a match with the kind of paintings we love. The Impressionists fill the galleries here in this old train station converted to a museum. A visit here can last well over three hours! And like many of the city's museums, there are a number of free days throughout the month. Hidden bonus- There's a great little cafe hidden inside the Musee d'Orsay beneath the iconic clock.

An official Disney photograph.

After these photos, you can guess the struggles Tony Baxter and his Imagineering team had in designing Disneyland Paris! When your park is going into one of the world's most beloved and beautiful cities, you've got to up your game. And they did ever! This park is the inspiration for my article, The Theme Park as Work of Art.

It's your turn. Where would you like to go today?

(All photos copyright Mark Taft unless otherwise noted.)

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