April 13, 2020

Two Looks at Space Mountain

Consider it another stroke of Imagineering genius that Space Mountain was created at all! Placing a roller coaster inside a building? That was a first for the theme park industry. Theming a coaster? Yes, another Disney first when they Matterhorn Bobsleds roared into Walt's original kingdom.

When it came time to place a version of the beloved attraction into the Jules Verne themed Discoveryland at Disneyland Paris, Tim Delaney came up with a brand new retro look at the future, and he placed it all in a version of the mountain that would soon be recognized as the most beautiful of all. The top piece of concept art shows a more "rocky" environment. The piece above reflects a design much closer to what we got today. And the ride inside is as different from the others as the exterior is from the iconic white cone look.

This attraction has an interesting history! Riding it has become a rite of passage for kids all over the world. Want to dig deeper and discover even more? Take a look here at this extended article which talks about every Disney park with a Space Mountain in intricate detail.

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

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