March 12, 2020

Disney and More's Alain Littaye Passes

It is with a heavy heart I read the surprising announcement of the passing of Disney and More's Alain Littaye. It is being reported by this Disney news group, DLP Welcome. Alain is the author of the excellent Disneyland Paris: From Sketch to Reality
It wasn't enough with all the changes from the Coronavirus. Yesterday's unexpected news of the passing of Alain Littaye, the blogger behind Disney and More and the author of Disneyland Paris: From Sketch to Reality took me for a loop! His book is amazing and full of concept art, photographs, and a historical look at the creation of Disney's most beautiful Magic Kingdom. And Alain seemed like a very nice man during our many years of corresponding and even speaking on the phone once or twice. But now, he is in a new kingdom... but which one?

Look, as I was reminded yesterday, life is short and can end unexpectedly. I would be amiss to not tell you that Jesus Christ has given us a way to move from eternal separation from God because of our brokenness into an eternity with him. He says himself that there is no other way to Heaven. Because of his great love for the world and in his obedience to his Father, Jesus suffered and died - but rose again!- for our sake. All to prove He is who He said he was: The Son of God came in the flesh to take away the sin of the world... and to save us from an eternity in Hell, the darkest kingdom that will never end. Yours and mine, our sin leads us right there if not for Jesus. But life eternal is ours for the taking, a great gift we must receive from Jesus because we can never earn it on our own. He paid the price on our behalf conquering death for all who believe.

If you think you know Jesus, I give you this challenge: Ask Him, the LORD God of the universe, to step into your life and make a difference head to toe. Take the risk of giving Him control in a new way. Let God prove himself to you by embracing the God made Man who gave his life on the cross in payment for your sins. Accept the gift, put him to the test, take the challenge. Be transformed yourself. Let the landscape of your life and heart be changed forever. It's scary, rewarding, and life-giving. Go for it. You know you need something more.

Which kingdom will you remain in for eternity? The choice is yours, but know that not choosing is a choice.


  1. Do you have anymore details about the sad passing of Alain,His book is wonderful and if it weren't for his website I would not know much about the Disney Parks.

  2. I do not. Alain and I corresponded several times. I do know he lived in Thailand, but that is about it. I was not aware of an illness or anything.

  3. Mark this is the second time I hear news of people passing via your website. I too am saddened by the news of Alain's passing. Thank you for sharing and please... stay healthy my friend. God is good... all the time!

    Always your pal,
    Amazon Belle

  4. Thank you, Matthew. You stay safe as well!

  5. Thank you Mark for your post letting us know about the passing of the talented Alain Littaye and confirming that he is in a new kingdom. What a wonderful challenge for the family and friends of Alain. He is blessed to have spoken to you.

  6. Alain was a complex man just like all of us. At times, our discussion about Jesus left him curious and at other times disturbed. I do not know how he would have answered the question that Jesus asks (one we all must answer) "Who do you say I am?"
