February 28, 2020

The Horizons We Never Knew

From great concepts to full realization. From fan favorite to full destruction. Horizons at EPCOT Center dazzled visitors to Walt Disney World even if it remained without an update until its untimely demolition. Imagineer Herb Ryman created these two pieces of concept art for the groundbreaking, and some would say the true heart, of the park's Future World

The concept art at the top of the article was not what was built. The entry point was not opened but more streamlined with a full roof line that stretched across the, um, horizon. Nor was it gold instead a brilliant gleaming white, fully in synch with the park's aesthetic. 

Construction couldn't happen soon enough- and it wasn't until my second visit to my favorite Florida park that I was able to ride this epic attraction. Back in the day, pavilions were often much more than a two minute thrill ride. The artists who designed them took the time to fully bring you into the story. This meant well thought out attractions that did not rely on backstory told on television screens to set what guests were about to experience.

Once I did ride, Horizons was an attraction that I had to experience ride over and over again! The image above, from the Horizons Tribute Group, comes from a show scene that dazzled me with its artsy, edgy presentation of what we thought life in the future would be like. And the Omnimax theater was every bit as spectacular! It wasn't just the visuals but also the musical soundtrack that took us on incredible journeys. 

One of Disney's official photos.

Photo by the incredible WDWMagic site.

The ending of the attraction was unexpected. So was the attraction's demise. The demolition of the attraction signaled the end of an era. One never to be seen again in this park. It was a sad day for lovers of this forward thinking pavilion- and for lovers of the park as well.

Just a slice of the EPCOT Center that once was! 

We will never know what an updated attraction would encompass. The original plan was to plus and enhance each of these iconic adventures, not to toss them away. Oh, the joys of what we will never know! Such is life.

Robert McCall's giant Horizons mural.

Among others, Progress City has a great series on the history of the attraction. You can find the multi-part series here. There's even more to read on this post

The Horizons poster we never knew!
Back when it was to be called Century 3!

Even Disney acknowledges that park fans love this attraction. Here's their article on "13 Reasons Disney Park Fans Still Love Horizons". Need I say more? Well, ok, one thing. I do not expect they will ever build a Future World pavilion as elegant and massive as this one! Particularly under this new leadership...

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

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