January 10, 2020

Harvey Weinstein Deserves to Die

By all accounts, the imprisoned but still innocent until proven guilty Harvey Weinstein is a serial rapist of the worst kind. A man who also destroys careers and reputations of his victims- as if sexual violation and emotional defilement were not enough. 

Weinstein, the founder of film studio Miramax - which was Disney owned for almost 20 years- was a very successful businessman and film producer with connections to the rich and famous and the politically powerful. Very powerful folks who are now wisely distancing themselves from the man. Do they know something we do not?

Unfortunately, Weinstein is just one of many Hollywood and business types that have been exposed for their offenses. Actor Kevin Spacey, film producer Bryan Singer, beloved singer Michael Jackson, financier Jeffrey Epstein, and many others, have all had to face the music one way or another. Epstein ended up in prison until his death. When exposed for the bad decisions we make, we get desperate. When crimes are punished, it would be natural to consider a quick death by suicide. Certainly, all the victims of these men have probably considered it as well, making healing next to impossible. Or forgiveness, for that matter.

What has been forced upon Weinstein's victims is inexcusable. Rape ruins people, destroying lives, and impacting families for generations. (Yes, mine too.) The percentage of women experiencing sexual assault or rape is surprisingly high- and the numbers of male victims are increasing as well. Evil, yes, but it's also the human condition. It's not excusable. God certainly doesn't excuse it as it breaks His heart to see a people He created so engulfed with selfishness and utter depravity. He will judge our sin, and we all have fallen short in various ways. 

It's easy to point fingers. 

Because God's laws are designed to protect our lives and lead us on a path full of goodness and mercy, we suffer when we walk a different direction. Pain is the end result when we walk our own way. If you're like me, it's a lesson we learn over and over again. 

Honestly, in the eyes of a loving and holy and pure God, we deserve nothing less than death and punishment. Yet- and I so thank God for this- because He loves us so, He sent Jesus to earth to die for the sins of all men and pay the price in full that a holy God requires. We can choose to believe in Jesus' own words - "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me" and find the wholeness, healing, new constantly look for. If we believe that he died and rose again, it is ours. It's a very gracious offer. One paid for at a very high price. Or we can continue on in our search for fulfillment and pleasure and power in disobedience to God.

Harvey Weinstein deserves to die. So do we. Thank God, we can all have a fresh beginning and full forgiveness by turning our our lives to Jesus and walking another direction. What will Harvey do now? Hard to say. But I have to focus on my own choices. So do you.

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