December 21, 2019

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker- A No Spoiler Review

As a very, very casual Star Wars fan- is there even such a thing? - mixed feelings seemed to be the order of the evening before, during, and after viewing the latest outing for this epic, decades long outer space Western saga. Not a good sign, but as a man who loves my little grandkids, I wanted to share this adventure with them. They were going to see this Star Wars film on the big screen. All others had been viewed at home. 

I've not seen all the films. Not the original trilogy or those that have followed. Give me an earthbound adventure story (the Indiana Jones series), a murder mystery (Castle or Criminal Minds) or even a romantic comedy (Fools Rush In), but popcorn movies focused on imaginary space characters and aliens are rarely an interest. Sorry, E.T.! But I am a first and foremost a Disney park fan, so when the mammoth entertainment company I mostly enjoy owns it, I want to fully understand a new property's content to better enjoy the attractions they will inevitably build. 

How could I catch up on forty years worth of film? In order to understand the entire storyline for the series and to be able to follow the whole finale more easily, I happily absorbed all the spoilers I could find. I'm not sharing them here for one very good reason: This film is better than you might think, and at the same time, it is in parts sappy and full of expected clichés. 

Not a buddy flick.

What can I say about the film? It is Rey's story, and it's a good one. Unfortunately, Poe and Finn are backup players as are just about everyone else in the film. These guys could be dynamic and inspiring, but they are not due to no fault of their own. Don't get me wrong. Daisy Ridley shines throughout most of the film, but I'm a man who is naturally more drawn to stories about men. (You can crucify me later.) Wasting two could be interesting characters and relegating them to minor players is a disservice to the fans and the series. Lost potential. To slightly balance this out, Adam Driver's Kylo Ren is much more interesting than I thought possible. This may be one of the film's biggest triumphs.

How will this finale affect the theme parks and particularly Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge attractions? That's a tough one. Certainly, folks will still want to pilot the Millennium Falcon, and Rise of the Resistance will remain a new century iconic attraction, but the feel of the land they inhabit could change as the story is further incorporated.

Should you see the film? Absolutely. Will you leave the theater with mixed feelings about it? Most assuredly. Folks will be arguing about this film for years to come, keeping interest alive for the next chapters in the story to be told. Successful marketing for sure.

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