December 1, 2019

Christmas Family Devotional 2019

Are you looking for a way to share the Biblical Truth of this Christmas season with the people you love? I know I'm always looking for something.  I want to take the time to put an end to the holiday madness, slow down, and stop to ponder the real meaning of the Christmas Season. I've written an easy to read and share Family Christmas Devotional that is especially geared toward families but without talking down to the children. May you find it useful!

The key Bible verse you and your family will explore throughout the month in light of the Christmas Story is

We will tell the next generation
the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord,
    his power, and the wonders he has done.

Psalm 78:4

Here's some hints before you begin:
1. Make this doable. Try to commit to a family devotional time, perhaps three times per ten days. Decide on a practical time. Avoid setting yourself up for failure. Adjust it as necessary so they enjoy the time, but also expect some “pushback”.  If you miss a time, just pick another! Remember, it’s about the relationship not the accomplishment.   Guard against discouragement if it doesn’t go well, and be sure to guard against pride if it does.

2. If you print this out, keep this devotional on the dinner table. Explain to your kids why it is there. Someone is bound to remember.

3. Talk about the ideas shared as your read God’s Word. Check for understanding by asking good questions and by explaining words that can sound confusing. Next, have a conversation about ways to apply what has been read. Knowledge of the Bible is empty and meaningless unless we do what it says.  (See James 1:22-25). 

4. Model praying for your kids, speaking simply and using words easy for them to understand. It will be easier for them to pray from their heart if they hear you do this.  

5. Try a family worship time. Child friendly songs don’t need to be childlike, they just need easy to understand lyrics. Train your child to express love to God and not just sing songs about Him. This is part of them growing in a real relationship with Our Creator. After your worship time, explain phrases they may not understand or interpret differently, i.e. what does “God reigns” mean?

6. If you have older children, allow them to share the responsibility of reading the verses. Leading them to Him is the goal. Check for understanding of difficult words.

7. As they grow in understanding and application of God’s Word, expect them to get excited about their relationship with our Living God.  This overflow from their heart will lead them to share Him with others. 

Ready? Here you go. One page of reading and questions to consider for each ten day period of the month.

December 1 – 10           God’s Praiseworthy Deeds

Time of Praise and Thanksgiving

Read Isaiah 9:1-7 together.  
Paraphrase or use only verses 6 and 7 if your children are very young.
Next, read Luke 1:26-38 together. Paraphrase the story or use only verses 26-33 if appropriate.

Points for consideration:
From the beginning of creation, God has wanted personal relationship with the people He made. 
God desires to look after His People, and He hears the prayers of his children. 
God always keeps His Promises- even when it looks different than what we think.
Is it not amazing that the God of all creation chooses to reveal Himself throughout history? Share other examples of God making himself known to His people. Ask your children about the names of God used here. What do they mean?

Lead the children to praise and thank Him for Who He Is. 
An example of their praise might be, “Father, I praise you for sending Jesus to us!” or  “God, thank you that you will rule forever! There is no one like you!”

Time of Prayer

Reread Luke 1:37-38.

Points for consideration:
If God tells us He will do something, nothing is impossible for Him!
Mary responded in humble obedience. God’s plan may not have been her plan, but she happily submitted to His Plan and trusted Him with her life. 
This brought God glory!

Ask your children what they are concerned about. What do they think about at night? What do they ask God? Have they chosen to give their lives to Him? If they have, are they willing to live their lives as He leads them? How are their lives bringing Him glory? Discuss what this means.

Pray together. Encourage them to pray from their hearts rather than what they think might please you.

December 11 – 20          God’s Power

Time of Praise and Thanksgiving

Read Luke 2:1-7 together.

Points for consideration:
God is powerful! He even orchestrates world events so that they are in line with His Plan.
World leaders – presidents, kings, and those in government- are placed in positions of authority by God. (See Romans 13)
God is powerful! God placed Jesus in Joseph’s human family because he was part of David’s family.

Is it not amazing that God intentionally places people in families and in jobs for His Purposes? Why has He put you in your family? How have you seen God use your family in a way that shows God to the people around you? 

Lead the children to praise and thank Him for His power. An example of their praise might be, “Father, I praise you for putting me in this family!” or  “Thank you Father for being the one who watches over every aspect of our lives!”

Time of Prayer  

Read Ephesians 3:14-21 together. 
Then read 2 Peter 1:3. Summarize or clarify these verses for understanding.

Points for consideration:
Jesus lives in our hearts through faith. It is not our work that earns us a place in God’s family and in heaven. How will live our lives is a result of His love in our hearts. 
God has placed His power in us by giving us His Holy Spirit. This power enables us to know God’s deep love for us and gives us what we need to live a life that pleases Him.

Ask your children if they belong to Him and why. Ask if they understand God’s love. Ask them how this is reflected in the way they live. Where have they seen God give them what they need to live in a manner that pleases Him? Are we being obedient to Him?

Pray together. Pray that they would rely on God to know and follow His Ways. Pray for our leaders that they would follow His ways.  

December 21 – 31          The Wonders He Has Done

Time of Praise and Thanksgiving

(A NOTE TO PARENTS: Before covering this section with your children, consider reviewing Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12 as well as Romans Chapter 3:21-23 and 10:9-11.)

Read Luke 2:8-20 together.  
Points for consideration:
The event of Jesus’ birth was so important, God sent angels to announce it. This is the most wonderful event of all time! He came to pay the price for our sin!
Jesus is God made flesh. He and the Father are One. (John 8:58-9; Colossians 2:9) 
Jesus is the only way to eternal life. (John 14:6) 

Why did God send Jesus to the earth? Discuss the answer to this question.

Imagine being a shepherd in the field and seeing what they saw and hearing what the heard! What would be your reaction? What would you think? What would you say and do?

Lead the children to praise and thank Him for revealing this “Good News of Great Joy”.  
They might say, “Father, I praise you for the gift of Jesus!” 

Time of Prayer

Read John 14:6 together.  Then read John 3:16-17. Finally, read Luke 2:19.  

Points for consideration:
Because He loves us so much and wants everyone to know the truth, Jesus makes it very clear He is the only way to Heaven. 
Mary heard the words the shepherds shared about the angels and probably thought of the angel Gabriel who visited her earlier. She treasured these words and thought deeply about them.

Ask your children to define sin. Ask how they have sinned. Check for understanding of Jesus’ words in John 14:6.  What does the Way, the Truth, and the Life mean? Discuss Romans 10:9-11.

Pray together. Ask them to confess their sin and turn away from it and to Jesus for forgiveness and the gift of eternal life. Then, pray for them that they would rely on God to know and follow His Ways. Encourage them to be like Mary and treasure God’s words and think deeply about them. Conclude with another time of praise and celebrate God’s goodness!

(Devotional copyright Mark Taft.)

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