November 12, 2019

Top Ten Things I Miss from Florida's Magic Kingdom

Confession time: Up until the last 15 months, I had not been to Walt Disney World for almost ten years. Imagine being a Disney park fan and not going to the Vacation Kingdom of the World for almost a decade! Now, after two visits in a short period, I find I am missing the World more than I am missing the Disneyland Resort. For a Southern California boy, that is quite the confession. What do I miss from the Magic Kingdom? Here's my top ten.

10- The view as you walk down Main Street U.S.A. Isn't there something truly incredible about this view? Sure, you don't have the knowledge that Walt built this park, but instead you walk in with the idea that the Company led by Roy Disney- who is often overlooked- and the Imagineers planned to take what they learned and make the East Coast park something spectacular on its own. Case in point: The lovely Crystal Palace. It's gets even better, beginning with the park's landmark. The stately Cinderella Castle shows they were into building a uniquely stunning park. It's not perfect, and it has its own flaws, but they clearly succeeded. 

The Crystal Palace. Just lovely.

9- Being in the Bubble. Once you've passed those iconic gates, you're in the resort. And once you've walked under the railroad station, the magic is all there with nothing to take you back to reality except the high prices, the hoards of people focused on their cel phones, and other obvious distractions like Starbucks. Gotta say, this is one area where staying on property and using the Disney Dining Plan may be worth it. Not always digging for your wallet is a plus!

8- Arriving at the Magic Kingdom via boat. The wide open vistas, the leisurely cruise that builds anticipation of a day in the day. Few things are more iconic to me that I am not in Anaheim than taking this sweet little journey. 

This can't be Disney, can it?

7- Tom Sawyer Island. Pirateless and untouched. There's no Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge around the bend, making a trip to the island or on the watercraft around it feel like you are headed hundreds of miles away into unexplored territory. The caves, the fort, the suspended bridge, all say classic Disney attraction. Go visit on your next trip and rediscover a simpler time and place. Let's pray the suits never follow through with that occasional thought of closing it off or revamping it for more cartoon characters!

Our Founding Fathers would be proud.

6- Liberty Square. Elegant, totally unique to all the parks, and full of historical references. For someone who is still proud to be an American, I just love that Walt and Company did this! Let me say this directly: It doesn't matter who or which party is in office, The Hall of Presidents is almost sacred and should be enjoyed without the nasty expressions of dislike and disrespect for certain individuals found inside. There's no other country where we are as free as we are in the U.S.A. God shed His grace on Thee! Show some class and let everyone enjoy this beautiful and inspiring Audio-Animatronics show. Lunch at the Liberty Tree Tavern or at the Columbia Harbour House, browsing the shops, exploring the land, or just sitting on a park bench taking it all in. It's the New Orleans Square of Florida. Too bad it doesn't get the love and respect it deserves.

5- A More Cohesive Tomorrowland. I love Disneyland for many reasons, but California's version of the future has lost its way. In Florida however, the combination of retro goodness and one of my long lost favorite attractions, the Peoplemover, create an almost seamless look at what can be, character shows aside. the view of the Contemporary Resort adds to it all. And I cannot wait for Tron! (Although I wish it had better placement in the park.) Enough said.

You've seen the Tree, but have you seen the views?

4- Swiss Family Treehouse. Accessible only via the bridge over to the island. The surrounding river, where the Plaza Swan Boats once sailed, adds to the mystery, setting apart the Treehouse home from the rest of the area. Even the Jungle Cruise seems like a far off adventure although it's really just steps away. 

One thing Florida does better- 
the transportation system of the future!

3- Riding the WEDWAY Peoplemover. I just love taking an early evening ride on the system, going in and out of the buildings, into Space Mountain, and cruising overhead the drivers of the Raceway. Classic Magic Kingdom and one of my favorite attractions in the park!

Thank you, Imagineers, 
for an attraction that stands the test of time.

2- The Better Haunted Mansion. Taking the Portrait Gallery from the Disneyland original and making it part of the Doom Buggy journey is one of the reasons I prefer the Florida mansion over its California cousin. With a spook filled library and the menacing exterior, for my money, this is the clear winner- Hat Box Ghost or not.

Sorry, but I wasn't going to take photos 
during my nighttime ride!
Why waste one of my favorite Magic Kingdom experiences?

1- Riding Big Thunder Mountain Railroad at Night. Under the stars and over the moonlit Rivers of America. It doesn't get any better!

What am I saying? Does all this mean that the Magic Kingdom is better than Disneyland? No, it means it is different and that on some levels it holds its own. Each kingdom has its own unique charms. Opinions may vary. (Yes, I'm still working on that Epcot review from my September trip.)

(Photographs copyright Mark Taft.)

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