November 20, 2019

Grand Invitation

Are you one of the fortunate ones who is attending the grand opening of Rise of the Resistance at Disney's Hollywood Studios? I wish I were! Have you ever received an invitation to a party you just can't refuse? Boy, I have, and it changed my world. Just read this invitation:

"Our Lord never intended that we be His casual acquaintances. He wants us to be His disciples., fully dedicated to following Him and lifting up His holy name to the world... Our Lord is repulsed by mediocre commitment... 

When we acknowledge Christ as our Lord, we affirm that He is our Master for life and that we are dedicated to serving and glorifying Him. In all things large and small, our deepest desire is to do what our Lord would want us to do. We ask for His guidance- not for our gain, but for His glory. We discipline ourselves in studying and obeying His written Word. We proclaim His love to the world around us, We try to think, speak and act in a way that will attract others to Him.

The misguided person who thinks all this is too difficult or irrelevant misses the point. The Christian life is far more than a fire escape from hell; it is a life of submission and obedience which result in joy and victory."

                                           Bill Bright

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