November 21, 2019

Chick-Fil-A's Decision is Bad for All of Us

Chick-Fil-A's decision to back away from supporting ministries that stand behind traditional marriage is a loss for all of us: straight, gay, and anywhere in between. Why? Each individual and each organization- be it business or non-profit- has the right to choose where their money goes and should be able to respectfully stand by and explain their choices. Without threats and with out bullying from those who disagree. 

Succumbing to pressure, Chik-Fil-A showed a fear of man by backing down on their support of the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, two groups that do tremendously great work in the community for decades. Unfortunately, they did not show a fear of man toward their loyal customers who support their business and their beliefs.

More troublesome is this: The company's decision supports and even encourages an ongoing erosion of American freedom of speech and truly free enterprise. That is something all of us should be wary of whatever our beliefs and lifestyle choices.  

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