October 9, 2019

I Believe in Yesterday

While enjoying the Lufthansa film festival during a flight for work, I made the decision to watch Yesterday, a fantasy tribute to the Beatles. If you're a lover of the Fab Four or of music in general, this is truly worth your time.

Jack Malik is a hardworking but overlooked performer who discovers that the entire world has no idea who the Beatles are- except him. In a moment of weakness, he decides to further his career by performing their songs and claiming them as his own. As you'd imagine, this catapults him to fame and brings with it a host of problems.

Himesh Patel is perfectly cast with a pleasing voice and engaging presence, and Lily James is every bit as lovely as when she donned Cinderella's slippers. Don't be fooled by the ads- Ed Sheehan plays himself in more than a cameo, showing his fans he really can take himself with a grain of salt- and the film gives him some of the best one liners ever.

Paul McCartney must be pleased with this work of love, and so will you.

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