September 6, 2019

To Hell With Toad

Definitely a very odd choice for a Fantasyland favorite, Mr. Toad's Wild Ride sends its riders on a crash course to Hell. The attraction did go the way of Pooh at Walt Disney World, but the love for the ride remains- and it looks like there's no plans to remove it at Disneyland. Sure has made me think...

"You may ask how people wind up in hell if God is a loving God. People wind up in hell by trampling the love of God instead of treasuring it. They ignore it, spurn it, yawn over it, close their hearts to it, keep saying "someday, someday, someday."
The Bible says there will be a day of reckoning. To those who have spurned His love, God will say in effect, "I loved you every day of your life. I loved you with a perfect love. I extended Myself to you.  I made My wisdom available to you. I made My comfort and My strength and My Spirit available to you. I made My offer of salvation to you. But you trampled and spurned My love. You had it your way on earth, so now you can have it your way in eternity."
Are you facing that scenario? Will you continue to trample the love of God? That's the question of the ages, and it is one you yourself must answer."

Bill Hybels

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